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Prevent Unwanted & Stubborn Split Ends

Everyone looks forward to a good hair day, isn't it? Those days when you glance into the mirror and everything seems perfect. Even a simple hairstyle looks fabulous. Good hair day is an indication of healthy hair.
Split ends gets in a way of great hair, and we're all prone to them. Dealing with them is quite a struggle but it is not the end of the world. They make your hair unhealthy, frizzy, unmanageable, and dull - which is something no one desires. They tend to develop slowly as a result of mechanical damage, chemical treatments, heat treatments, and environmental factors. While snipping them off maybe the first solution that comes to your mind but it's not the only solution. 
Fret not, there are ways to prevent and repair them even without stepping in a salon. Just follow the below remedies to banish them.

Coconut Oil

Age-old remedy. Straight out from grandma's book. Coconut oil is a natural healer and helps in taming frizzy hair and keeps split ends at bay.

How To Apply?

Massage your scalp and hair with warm oil and let it stay for an hour. Wash it thoroughly with a mild shampoo.

Banana Hair Mask

This mask works wonder when it comes to putting life back into your damaged hair. It contains natural oils, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants that help in treating the dull hair. It prevents hair breakage and maintain the elasticity of the hair.

How To Apply?

Take 1 mash banana in a small bowl and mix 2 tablespoons of coconut milk. Apply the mask to your hair from the roots to the tips. Keep it on for 1-2 hours and then rinse it off with sulfate-free shampoo.

Egg & Honey Mask

Egg yolk being rich in proteins helps in strengthening the hair and keeps split ends at bay. Honey helps in locking moisture and prevents dry, brittle hair. This mask helps repair the split ends and prevents dryness and damage.

How To Apply?

Prepare a mixture with 1 egg yolk and 1 teaspoon of honey. Apply the mask to your hair and leave on for 2 hours before washing and rinsing.  


This is a natural remedy that strengthens your hair follicles. It also provides deep nourishment to your hair and prevents the recurrence of split ends and reduces frizz.

How To Apply?

Mash the papaya to a pulp. Mix it with the yogurt and add 2 tablespoon of almond oil/olive oil. Apply it on your hair and let it sit for 45 mins. Wash it off with mild shampoo and towel dry it.

Try the remedies and don't let split ends get in a way to achieve voluminous, long and lustrous hair. 


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